IT Professional
David B. Robert
One Valley View Place
Salesville AR 72653-9620
Objective: Information Technology Professional interested in producing and/or administrating meaningful products that can make a difference in today's world.
B.S. Computer Science, Arkansas State University - Jonesboro May 2001 GPA 3.4
U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer, Military Flight Instructor, Honorable Discharge
International Correspondence Schools - Survey and Mapping Course graduate
Research: SILO Advisory Council Undergraduate Research Fellowship Project Developed techniques to take digital pictures of spectra. Made two formal presentations of this work.
Special Project: Emergency Response Activation Database - A non-trivial database in Oracle that uses latitude and longitude coordinates to determine the nearest first responder, ground & air ambulance, search/rescue, and hospital facilities to an emergency scene.
Programming Languages: Pascal, C, C++, Visual Basic, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, and PHP.
- Mike Huett & Associates Inc, Civil Engineering & Surveying, Mountain Home, AR 1996-98
Party Chief for Construction and Boundary Surveys and Office Technician responsible for maintaining office computer systems, installing and using software, and communicating with technical support as necessary to produce site plats and maps.
- Emergency Response Enhancement Products Inc. 1995-97
CEO in charge of product engineering and marketing.
Key product: Coordinate Extraction System made determination of latitude and longitude from a map location extremely simple to determine. The company dissolved due to patent application failure.
- Air Evac EMS Inc. West Plains, MO 1990-95
Line Captain: responsible for all aspects of safely carrying out emergency medical missions.
Safety Officer: developed a Safety Enhancement Report Form. Conducted safety meetings.
Established a night vision policy with a demonstration of night vision degradation caused by white light.
Produced several notable software programs on my own time that enhanced operations.
Dispatch Solutions Program -Automated determination of the closest base to a scene.
Closest Potential Receiving Facility- Automated determination of closest hospitals to a scene.
Shift Schedule Program - Automated schedule determination for a 9-day cycle between 3 pilots.
Mission Detail Database - Automated report generation, statistics tracking, and pilots' logbooks.
- Isbell Engineering & Surveying Inc. Mountain Home, AR 1989-90
Quickly rose to positions of increasing responsibilities and pay. The company was faced with having to hire outside talent when required to automate to meet Corp of Engineer contract specifications. On my own I studied the software manual and developed enough expertise to fill the position eliminating the need to hire outside talent.
- References available upon request.
Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows, and DOS
Interests: Chess, mountain biking, kayaking, distributed operating systems, and the Piracy Deterrent Bar.
Registered Service Mark: ProximityCast
A better solution to EULA's and the prevention of: Software Piracy
To pirate software or not to pirate software: Ambivalent Decisions?
Creating super programmers: Silver Bullets?
A continuation to Rick Bass's Antlers: Antlers Continuation
- Army Commendation medal - For exceptional ability and performance in the Republic of South Korea was chosen to be a buffer zone pilot and then a buffer zone instructor, etc.
- Army Commendation medal - For outstanding performance of duties while serving as an instructor pilot and briefing officer at Fort Rucker, AL. Contributed numerous recommendations that were implemented in the Utility Aircrew Training Manual.
- ASU-Mountain Home - Academic Achievement Award for excellence in the area of Physical Science/Chemistry.